A Study in Intentions


A study of intention.

No matter what we do, who we are, or what choice we make, there is intention involved.

With the photos, we see a beautiful wild prairie flower.
All the photos are the same photo.

The first photo is the original, slightly edited photo where my intention was to provide a more natural, beautiful view of the sun passing through the gentle flower. I feel I did this goal with giving off a pleasing view to others to enjoy.

The second photo is the same photo except I altered the coloring. My intention here was to bring in a strong, positive message , but still one of beauty.
Photo 2

This decision was based on wanting something way different. (A different path in life that also leads to joy for self and others.)

The third photo is the same photo except it is overly enhanced. 

Photo 3

My intention- I was looking for a beautiful, natural photo that people would want to follow me and give me lots of likes. But instead, the photo is too corrected, taking away it's beauty. It comes off as harsh & rigid.
The intention here comes from fear-rejection, abandonment, wanting to belong and be a part of a group.

Some intentions are good intentions, but we lack the proper understanding to make a good choice. (Photo 3, lacking understanding on editing a photo to enhance the natural beauty. Instead, the end result is a harsh.)
But at the same time, this intention, seemingly good, comes from fear.

Any decisions that stem from fear are a lose/lose choice.
A choice from fear, creates more fear.

Some intentions are good intentions. We have the understanding, and so we make a good choice. (photo 1)

Some intentions are good intentions, but we want to follow a different path in life. (Photo 2)

Sometimes we have bad intentions behind what we feel we can justify as being good, due to our beliefs and misunderstandings we have.

Are your intentions based on fear? or Love?
If they have any of the negative emotions involved, you may want to reconsider your choice and intention.
Do a little research into what you may not be understanding.
Find compassion and forgive others for their lack of understanding.

By Cynthia Bergsbaken/ Reiki in the Prairie LLC
August 29, 2022

 ***All original content is copyrighted by Cynthia Bergsbaken, Perceptive Blogger & Reiki in the Prairie LLC.

Reiki in the Prairie LLC is a legal Entity under law, 2015.

This includes, but is not limited to all photos, writings, products, designs, pages and posts, advertisements, social media posts, etcetera.

April 11, 2020

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